Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the celebrated former Indian cricket captain, is embroiled in a web of controversies as allegations surface about his posh residence in Ranchi being misused for commercial activities. Adding fuel to the fire are shocking claims that his farmhouse in Simaliya was allegedly used for illegal cannabis cultivation and drug supply operations, casting a shadow on his otherwise illustrious legacy.
Commercial Misuse of Harmu Property Under Investigation
The Jharkhand State Housing Board is actively investigating Dhoni's property in Harmu Housing Colony, alleging that it was converted into a diagnostic center in violation of housing regulations. Sanjay Lal Paswan, Chairman of the Housing Board, stated that if proven, Dhoni will receive an eviction notice, and his plot allotment could be canceled. The controversy dates back to 2015 when Dhoni faced similar allegations regarding an adjacent illegally allotted plot.
Drug Allegations: Cannabis Cultivation at Simaliya Farmhouse
What has truly shaken public perception are the explosive allegations suggesting that Dhoni’s farmhouse in Simaliya was a hub for illegal cannabis cultivation and charas supply operations. Sources claim that the farmhouse, built to provide Dhoni privacy from public life, became a site for cultivating and distributing cannabis, with whispers of it being part of a larger illegal operation.
If these allegations are substantiated, Dhoni could face grave legal repercussions, tarnishing his legacy and raising serious questions about his off-field activities.
Housing Board Cracks Down on Violators
Dhoni isn’t alone in facing the heat from the Jharkhand State Housing Board, which has issued notices to over 300 property owners, including the BJP state office, for similar violations of using residential plots for commercial purposes. The board has emphasized that no one, not even national icons, will be spared if found guilty.
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